Since 2007, Conatus Finance has been developing an expertise in all unlisted strategies: Private Equity in general (Buyout, Venture, secondaries, etc.), Private Debt in all its forms (corporate, real estate, infrastructure), Infrastructure, Real Estate, etc.
Our strengths
Why Conatus Finance?
For LPs
Regular access to funds selected by us
(2 to 3 new funds per year, of which 1 or 2 foreigners)
No additional fees, we are paid by the management company (usually one year management fee)
Information on difficult to access and constantly evolving asset classes + annual market research
For GPs
Penetrate the French and European market
Support from the pre-marketing phase to the investment and even afterwards: advice on marketing materials, competitive positioning, understanding the different expectations of investors, follow-up during the due diligence phase, post-investment follow-up, ...